Dady Bones
Official Bio:
"I’m Lola, aka dadybones; a girl living in Los Angles designing and hand making jewelry. Originating from Arizona, where things are not too exciting, I stared at fashion magazines and started making my own clothes to keep things exciting. Being an extremely awkward, shy child, I learned to express my self through clothing and accessories. Definitely not shy now, I still express myself with bold colors and textures, which is exactly what dadybones is asking you to give into- your inner child."
We asked Lola of Dady Bones to fill in the blank:
1. Earth is all I know
2. Outerspace is well, I've never been but seems tight
3. I feel most comfortable in nothing
4. My spirit animal is a golden retriever
5. Puff balls make me the happiest
6. The future of fashion is the past reinvented
7. I learned the most from my mother
8. The greatest compliment I could receive is you are a beam of light transcending from my dreams onto a field of wild flowers
9. My style mantra is fuck yeah!
10. Sleep or sleep when you're dead SLEEEEEEP
11. If only I could have designed post it's
12. When I woke up today, I felt like dancing
13. Most people would say I am kooky
14. I shop the most at really random places
15. I think everything is hilarious
16. When on a crowded subway, I try not to fart
17. Drones are What?
18. Fast fashion is a rip off
19. My horoscope sign is Scorpio and it's pretty spot on
20. I'm certain of my karaoke song; Lets Give Them Something To Talk About by Bonnie Raitt
21. I'm not so certain of what to order off any food menu
22. My jewelry is for anyone who knows what good for them